Meet Meki Adrian, professionally known as Mickeydeviper, a multifaceted creative force born and raised in Adamawa State, Nigeria. As a•talented music artist, producer, and video director, Mickeydeviper has established himself in the Nigerian entertainment industry, collaborating with notable artists such as Classiq, Magnito, Boc, and Mr. Real.Currently based in Lagos State, Mickeydeviper is set to release his highly anticipated second album, THE LANDLORD, on January 5th, 2025.Ahead of the album's release, he has unveiled the explosive single JARABA, featuring renowned Arewa artist Classiq Arewa Mafia.

Join Mickeydeviper at the Spotlight Reality Show and Recording Camp for an electrifying performance and activities! This exclusive event will feature the world premiere of his latest project, 'LandLord,' showcasing his artistic growth and creative genius.